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    Russia Russia 2018

    The Kremlin

    June 2, 2018

    The Kremlin starring Saint Basil’s Cathedral, the Red Square, Ivan the Great Bell Tower, Dormition Cathedral, Tsar cannon and the Tsar Bell (the biggest bell in the world).

    And no we did not shot  a piece out of the Tsar bell, with the cannon, it was already broken. The crack of the bell found place during a fire before the last ornamention of the bell was completed. The fire reached the wooden support construction around the bell and cold water was thrown on it, which caused several cracks and finally the breaking off a piece of about 10.000 kg. Funny side fact one of the functions of a bell is to alert in case of fire…

    Many people think that the name Red Square is related to the Red bricks or the Red of Communism, this misunderstanding occurs due the fact that  the Russian word “krasnaya” means both red and beautiful…


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