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    France Summer 2018


    July 29, 2018

    Moustiers-Sainte-Marie (Moustiers in short), is a stunning place where nature meets man made structures. The whole town is split into two halves by the falls created by a mountain river running to Lac Sainte-Croix. High above the village you can find an old chapel that served as an pilgrimage through the centuries.

    Above the town, suspended between two rocks, hangs a big star. There are a lot of legends surrounding the origin of this star, but the most persistent one is the one about a knight, returning from the crusades, and hanging this star as a tribute to the virgin Saint Marie. None of the legends are confirmed to this day. The star and its chain weighs 150kg.

    Parking in this town can be quite challenging if you don’t want to do the climb. At the bottom of the town there is more than enough parking space to be found for free.

    Throughout the city you can find numerous water fountains with drinkable, fresh, cold and o-so-refreshing water.

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