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    France Summer 2018


    August 1, 2018

    Arles, a city were you can still see a lot of Roman treasures.

    The Theatre was build end of the 1st century BC with seating for +/- 8000 people. In the Middle Ages stones from the the theatre were used for neighbouring buildings and as such only two complete columns remain.

    Furthermore you can visit the Arena (Amphitheatre) which could seat around 20.000 people. On today this Arena is still in use for bull races.

    Last but not least we also visited the cryptoporticus, this subterranean galleries were first used as an foundation for the town’s forum and could only be accessed via two maintenance doors. During the ages the ground level of Arles rose significantly so the structures that where once above ground are now 6 meter underground. During the World Wars these caverns were used as bomb shelters to protect the people from harm.

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