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    France Summer 2018


    August 3, 2018

    Carcassonne is the largest walled city in Europe with his defence walls still intact.  In fact, the fortified town is surrounded by a double wall which is about 3,2 km long. The outer wall is the work of Louis IX and parts of the inner wall date back to Roman times. Within the fortification there is a castle, a church with beautiful glass windows, bridges and  about 53 watchtowers.

    During history the town was conquered by Romans, Visgoths, Muslims, … as Carcassonne was a strategic location ( link between Atlantic ocean and Mediterranean sea – a lot of historical trade routes pass by).

    If you experience a fairy-tell déjà-vu while visiting Carcassonne, it might be that you have seen Sleeping Beauty, it’s said to be Disney was inspired by this city.

    The Yellow Circles you see on our pictures are the work of artist Felice Varini, to celebrate the 20th anniversary that the medieval walled city was entitled as Unesco World Heritage. From only one viewpoint you can see the concentric circles as a 2D drawing.



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